Favorite Part of R-MA:
“My favorite parts of R-MA are the close-knit dorm community and experiencing moments like ‘Beef and Bullets.‘ I came to R-MA to pursue my goal of attending the United States Coast Guard Academy or serving as a Naval officer. One quote I live by is from Erin Vandale [R-MA Class of 2022 now attending the US Naval Academy]: ‘Your experience is what you choose to make it,’ which has stayed with me since my first tour as a freshman.”
- Girls Basketball (Captain, First Team All-Conference, Most Valued Teammate, Female Breakthrough Award)
- Varsity Soccer
- Cross Country
- Volleyball
- National Honor Society (Tutor)
- Connect Club Member
- 2023-2024 Battalion Sergeant Major
- 2024-2025 Battalion Commander
- Flight Lessons
- Izaak Walton League Volunteer
- Varsity Basketball Captain (2023-2025)
- First Team All-Conference (Twice)
- Most Valued Teammate (Twice)
- Female Breakthrough Award (2022-2023)
- Dean’s List (8 times)
- President’s List (Twice)
- Exploring Aviation Program (2023)
- Total Volunteer Service Hours: 13
- Freshman Year Girls Basketball Captain
- Junior Year Battalion Sergeant Major
- Senior Year Battalion Commander