Each year the class has the opportunity to select a staff or faculty member to become an honorary class member. The Class of 2015 selected Robert Davies, who has been a teacher at R-MA for 20 years. Mr. Davies teaches Honors English 9 and Honors English 10, as well as Honors The Arts in Society. As English Department Chairman, he has been instrumental in developing the community reading program, the Alpha Readers Book Club, the literary magazine Letters, the annual Poetry Slam, and the Shakespeare Typography Contest. He also brought the National English Honor Society to R-MA.
“I'm happy and thrilled to join the distinguished class of 2016 as an honorary member,” Davies later said.
Former honorary class members have been Lt Col Barry Sebring (2014), MSgt Doug French (2013), Mr. Eric Barr (2012), Ms. Patricia Strother (2011), and Mrs. Lynne Schoonover (2010).
Class of 2015
Sandi James
Tia Johnston
Kaila Warner-Jackson
Class of 2016
Sean Bell
Eva Bogdewic
Thomas Brewer
Emma Bunker
Alec Fileccia
Jeremiah Hixson
Raleigh Holmes
Taylor Jones
Albert Lee
Williams Long
Brendan Martyn
Meghan Melberg
George Pitts
ZiYun “Amy” Wang