By: Meghan Melberg
The artistry of the actors and atmosphere of the theatre blended into a most exquisite experience. In the words of William Wong ’16, “It was glorious!” The flow of the play was never interrupted as the lights remained on during the entirety of the performance. The deceased victims did not even get up during the intermission but were dragged off stage by a rather indignant servant. All of the actors played their roles masterfully from the three witches, who were, surprisingly, male, to Macbeth himself. The audience was not a mere group of uninvolved viewers but a part of the action of the play. The actors did not just act but spoke to the audience as if they were a part a Shakespeare’s written work. From the stellar stage to the artful actors, the viewing of Macbeth at the Blackfriars Playhouse was an unforgettable adventure.