4 Essential Soft Skills That Prepare Middle School Students At R-MA For Upper Years

At R-MA, we understand that middle school represents a formative time for developing good academic skills, habits, social skills, and a sense of self. For this reason, we provide each student with the competencies they’ll need to adapt to their next phase of life seamlessly. Our rigorous curriculum prepares middle school students at R-MA to take on the heavier workloads of the upper years and, later, college. We acknowledge that, though important, academic skills are not the only requirement for success in high school, college, and adult life. A variety of soft skills are required for students to reach their full potential. Read on to discover how R-MA prepares our middle school students for the future. 

1. Middle Schoolers at R-MA Learn Leadership Skills

Leadership skills instill confidence in children, enabling them to work effectively in teams, solve problems innovatively, and have a solid grounding for life’s hurdles. The Character & Leadership Development Program prepares students to take on leadership roles by working with their units. Still, they will also learn the principles of adaptive leadership, which refers to the ability to step up and take the lead in the face of new challenges. This is an essential skill for success in the upper years as students face new situations throughout their careers in an ever-changing world.

A group of R-MA middle school students confidently heading to class
Middle schoolers at our private school are encouraged to take the lead.

2. Our Students Learn to Take Accountability

At R-MA, we aim to instill social responsibility in our students, motivating them to impact every area of life positively. By providing middle school students with structure, we teach them proper time-management skills and other essential life skills that promote high achievement and positive character development. By developing strong connections with our caring instructors through a mentorship program, middle schoolers learn what accountability looks like by example. 

3. We Foster Ambition in Our Middle Schoolers

We encourage our students to aim high. High achievement in school and beyond are hallmarks of the R-MA experience, with our students being encouraged to set clear objectives, make solid action plans to reach their goals and work hard towards success. Students in the Character & Leadership Development Program allow students to set shared goals with their unit, providing them with the perfect opportunity to practice the achievement of their desires in a supportive, collaborative environment.

A line of R-MA middle school students working in the hallway
Middle schoolers at R-MA are encouraged to be ambitious and hardworking.

4. We Encourage Our Middle Schoolers to Plan for the Future 

At our private school, we believe it’s never too early to start thinking about the future. After all, time flies, and before you know it, your middle schooler will be preparing their college applications. For this reason, middle school students are encouraged to start setting future goals emphasizing college readiness. Small classes give students the academic support they need to grasp core course concepts. Our J-term option allows students to explore fields that interest them early on. Summer school provides yet another avenue for students to get ahead academically. 

Take a sneak peek into our middle school program here:

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