Power of Rise

“The Power of Rise.” is about achieving more than you thought possible—as a student, as a teacher, as an alumnus/ae, and as a community.

It’s about providing the best education that produces solid results—a college acceptance for every graduate, more than $6 million in college scholarship offers for every graduating class.

It’s ensuring every student has a chance to explore talents they didn’t know they had, and providing opportunities to learn to lead with integrity and serve with grace. It’s knowing that education is about more than test scores. 

It’s about equipping students for life, teaching them to think creatively, work collaboratively, innovate imaginatively.

R-MA President Brig Gen David C. Wesley, USAF, Retired, explains what “The Power of Rise.” means to him:

The Power of Rise.

This short phrase captures the very essence of what it means to be a member of the R-MA family.

For me, the crux is R-MA’s resilience over these many decades of change. Our Academy, founded in faith, tempered by fire, tested in war and cultural change, is true to its founding principles while it pursues the very latest technologies and methods of learning, so that our graduates will be what R-MA graduates have always been: ready to rise to the challenge.

For some, this means stepping forward and speaking up when others will not. It can mean having the courage to fight for our freedom in a much more tangible way. It has often meant helping those less fortunate, so that their potential is unlocked and their dreams can be realized as well.

The Power of Rise speaks to our tireless pursuit of academic excellence, our never-ending quest for personal integrity, and our longstanding commitment to serving others. It is a new way to speak an old truth. R-MA endures because it is not a building or a group of individuals or a piece of equipment. R-MA represents an idea that persists in the face of all challengers; we seek to make a difference in an indifferent world; we strive to become part of something larger than ourselves; we endeavor to lead not for the sake of power, but to serve others, as we aim to help develop a better world.