Students have numerous opportunities to involve themselves in the dramatic arts through R-MA’s Theatre program, which offers an annual mainstage production (typically a musical) open to students in both divisions, a newly inaugurated intramural Drama Club for high schoolers, and a recently-added Drama elective for middle schoolers. Whether they want to be in the spotlight or running the show backstage, veteran thespians and “newbies” alike are welcomed to take on roles as actors, singers, and dancers; designers, managers, and crew; playwrights and dramaturgs. 
Mainstage productions have included The Lion King, Jr.; Mulan, Jr., Once on This Island, Into the Woods, Grease, Loserville, and most recently, the Italian farce The Servant of Two Masters.  The Drama Club produced two one-acts in its inaugural year:  the live, interactive “12 Plays in 24 Minutes” and the performed-live-on-Zoom “Wellness Check.”  In addition to these offerings, students can explore their theatrical interests with the annual Christmas play, talent shows and open mic nights, school-wide filmmaking competitions, and Shakespeare’s birthday month.