Morning Pick-up
Stop #1:
6530 Trading Square
Haymarket, VA
Time: Depart at 6:45 AM (occasionally time will change due to inclement weather, sleep-in days, etc.  Notification will be sent via email)

Stop #2: Marshall Volunteer Rescue Squad
8472 W Main St
Marshall, VA
Time: Depart at 7:00 AM (occasionally time will change due to inclement weather, sleep-in days, etc.  Notification will be sent via email)

Afternoon Pick-up
Parking lot beside Middle school Dormitory for Middle School students and behind the library of Sonner Payne Hall for Upper School students

Afternoon Drop-off
Stop #1:  Marshall Volunteer Rescue Squad
8472 W Main St
Marshall, VA
Time: 5:45 – 6:30  PM (time may change slightly depending on the afternoon activities of the majority of the bus population)

Stop #2: Walmart
6530 Trading Square
Haymarket, VA