Sibo joined R-MA as a sophmore and has been involved in Choir with a performance at the Governer’s Mansion; in band he was first chair bass clairnet at Universal Studios and Disney World. He is involved in our Spiritual Life Team and he is a Student Ambassador. He is out-going, friendly, and such a positive young man. Sibo had taken courses through Harvard, UVA and John Hopkins which include theoretical study, research, policy design focusing on China and Africa to culminate in a completed extensive research project for North Star Reports.
- Cadre Leadership Position
- West Point Leadership and Ethics Conference Award/Academic Non-Commissioned Officer-In-Charge (NCOIC)
- Most Outstanding Student in AP English
- Most Outstanding Student in History
- FAA Certified Unmanned Aircraft Pilot
- ODACS Regional Male Vocal Solo First Place State Regional
- ODACS Regional Painting Second Place
- ODACS Expository Preaching Third Place
- President List 2019
- Military School Band & Choir Festival Leadership Symposium
- Student Government Leadership
- Alpha Reader
- Philosophy Club
- International Club
- Academy’s Own
- Band & Choir
- Interact Club
- Science Honor Society
- Social Studies Honor Society
- Spiritual Life Team
- Top of VA Youth Choir
- Praise Team
- Varsity Basketball
- Varsity Football