In the interest of safety and to do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19, all R-MA personnel will begin working remotely as of Friday, March 20th. At this time, the return to campus is anticipated to be April 19th.
Please note that the campus is now closed to visitors. If you are interested in visiting the campus once this crisis has passed, please contact one of the following offices:
- Prospective students and families, email the Admission Office.
- Alumni and families, contact the Advancement Office.
- General community members, contact the Office of Communications.
You may also reach individual faculty and staff members via email. All offices will be operating remotely with personnel attending to on-campus duties intermittently as needed. In addition, our wordwide online classes will continue. Security officers and those who cannot complete duties from home will continue alternating work schedules on campus.
For information regarding the Virginia cases or the coronavirus in general, please visit the Virginia Department of Health website or call the hotline at 1-877-ASK-VDH3.