Most alumni say that their years at R-MA made a huge difference in their lives.
So what can you do to ensure future bright young men and women can share the transformative experience that R-MA provides?
You might think that only the very wealthy leave money to R-MA when they die. In reality, most gifts by will (bequests) are made by everyday people who want to make a lasting, positive impact on the future and the school we all love.
Here are three reasons to consider including R-MA in your will:
1.) A gift by will is easy to make. You can write it yourself, however, it’s much better to meet with a legal advisor. He/she will explain how you can give specific property, designate a dollar amount or a percentage of your estate, or list R-MA as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy. It is also easy to add a codicil to the will you already have.
2.) A gift by will doesn’t impact your current asset balance or cash flow. A bequest is your way of saying “I am committed to the future of R-MA” without affecting your current assets.
3.) A gift by will creates a lasting legacy. Including a gift to R-MA in your will is a great way to bring further dignity, meaning, and purpose to a life well lived. Remember you don’t have to be wealthy to make a difference. Whoever you are, whatever your situation, you can help make a better world and a brighter future by including R-MA in your will.
For more information about in making a gift by will or other financial vehicles, contact Jay Smith, Director of Planned Giving and Alumni Outreach at (540) 671-9462 or