When We Come Into the Out

We all look forward to the day when we can

I am going on almost two weeks of working from home. My husband has been remote teaching for almost three and my eight-year-old has been off school for the same amount of time. Shirt and ties and dress clothes have been replaced with sweatshirts and sweatpants. It has been an interesting time and one that makes me look forward to the days of normalcy again.  For anyone who has watched the movie Home as much as my family has, this scene is constantly stuck in my head:

Wouldn't we all like to go into the out now?

But, something unexpected has happened as we all adjust to this working from home scenario. As I sit at my MacBook in the dining room I overhear my husband teaching, in real-time, with students that I would have the joy to see face to face nearly every day just a few weeks ago.  I hear him say Hi to someone and I start to smile remembering the last time that I saw that student in person. There have been a few times I couldn’t help myself and had to run in when I heard a name just to wave “Hi”. Yes, call me a teaching distraction, but I think some rules have to be broken in times like these. 

What has been unexpected is the fact that I have had the chance to listen to my husband teach. With the two of us working at the same place and living on campus, we don’t often come home and talk about work. It’s kind of been an unwritten rule to keep our sanity. We will share a funny story or talk us out of a frustrating day (we all have them), but I don’t think we would have ever had the opportunity to see each other work as much as we have now. And I am amazed. I listen to the way my husband talks to these freshmen and maybe he doesn’t realize it, but he is making a difference. And when I overhear the conversations that go back and forth during discussions I feel like we are all going to be alright. Because these students that I am listening to talk about world events right now are going to be out there experiencing real-world events in about eight years; and are experiencing one of the biggest events in our history that many of us have ever experienced. 

And we are going to be okay. Because they are thoughtful thinkers, insightful minds, and they are looking at what has happened in the past through this World History class and are already putting into it their new spin based on what is happening in the world around us.  They make me proud of them and of my husband and all of the teachers at R-MA for doing the work that they are doing to give these students perspective on the past and what brought us to the present. And from that, they are preparing these students for the future and how to be better members of humanity. 

I know that when this all is behind us and we go back to our office and classroom that I will miss listening in on this freshman World History class and hearing these conversations. But more importantly, I know we are going to be okay when we come into the out. 

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