Upper School Fall Sports Awards Announced

The Upper School fall sports awards winners were announced at the recognition ceremony on Friday, November 14, 2014. These awardees will receive plaques at the end of the school year, during the annual athletic banquet. 

Congratulations to all of our athletes on playing their best and respresenting R-MA well! Special congratulations to our award winners:

Varsity Boys’ Cross-Country
Most Valuable Player: Erik Koontz ’15  
Most Improved Player: Cyrus Lesko ’18 
Coaches’ Award: Jake Branham ’16 

Varsity Girls’ Cross-Country
Most Valuable Player: Ixel Ochoa ’15 
Most Improved Player: Sarah Vaughan ’18 
Coaches’ Award: Emma Bunker ’16

Varsity Football
Most Valuable Player: Malik Cochran ’15 
Most Improved Player: Peter Blair ’16 
Coaches’ Award: Austin Lee ’15 
Coaches’ Award: FaFa Eke-Spiff ’15 

Varsity Volleyball
Most Valuable Player: Mackenzie Norton ’18 
Coaches’ Award: Ashley Grossman ’17 
Coaches’ Award: Taylor Jones ’17  

Varsity Soccer
Most Valuable Player: Doug Brennand ’15 
Most Improved Player: Mirvalino Baba ’16 
Coaches’ Award: Seonwoo Chung ’17 

Varsity Tennis
Most Valuable Player: Siqin Xie ’16 
Coaches’ Award: Victoria Voellm ’18 
Coaches’ Award: Ziyun Wang ’17 

JV Soccer
Most Valuable Player: Z.S. ’17 (name withheld by parent request)
Most Improved Player: Seungwon Chuong ’18 
Coaches’ Award: Samuel Uzoma ’18

JV Football
Coaches’ Award: Miles Gilmore ’18 
Coaches’ Award: SoSo Eke-Spiff ’17 

