If you’re looking to take a program that can enrich your time as a student at R-MA, look no further. Since students are returning to classes on-campus for the spring semester, there are a variety of things you can do that can add to your already unique educational experience at our private school.
Although these programs aren’t essential to you getting your high school diploma, they can add a new and exciting dimension to your studies that go beyond your core classes at Randolph-Macon Academy. Here are some programs worth considering during the spring semester.
Our Flight Program: Helping You Soar to New Heights, on Land and in the Sky
For any student hoping to become a more confident, assured individual, R-MA’s flight program is a great option. In fact, we are the only private high school to offer this. Upper School students have the opportunity to do flight training in-house, as well as learn about unmanned aircraft systems (eg. drones), take ground school classes, listen to guest speakers, and take field trips to museums and aviation conferences. Using academy-owned aircrafts, student pilots learn to fly out to various nearby airports, and are also able to obtain a private pilot certificate and receive solo wings. You can take a look at our students in action here:
High Flight: A Program Students Can Also Consider Taking
Students at our boarding school also have a unique opportunity to work toward eventually attending a United States Service Academy, by taking our High Flight program. Those hoping to be enrolled in the program must first complete an application, meet eligibility criteria for military service, and have a minimum 3.5 GPA. Should they be accepted into the High Flight program, students receive both a High Flight Merit Scholarship of $1,000 per semester and an offer for a math and science-heavy advanced academic track. The program also emphasizes the importance of developing leadership skills and maintaining strong physical fitness.
Chorus: For Boarding School Students Who Want to Get Creative
If you decide to join R-MA’s Chorus, you can typically find yourself performing at numerous events both on and off-campus. State-wide, you and other students can be chosen to audition for the annual District Chorus, and may also be selected for the Choir Festival and Military School Band.
Students in the program can even be chosen to sing for the State Chorus. On-campus events you can perform at include R-MA’s annual Christmas and Spring concerts, Homecoming, the National Honor Society induction ceremonies, and graduation. Some of the off-campus events at which R-MA’s Chorus program has performed include Rotary luncheons, Veteran’s Day ceremonies, and the Air Force Association annual program.
Theatre: For R-MA Students With a Flair for the Dramatic
For any student at our preparatory upper school who wants to showcase their talent, R-MA’s theatre program is a great avenue for them to do just that. Whether they’d prefer to perform or work behind the scenes, Upper School students can enroll in the program. Students have an array of roles to choose from in this program, such as acting, music, dance, costume design, stagehand, and technician. Our program also offers students the chance to participate in events like poetry slams, seasonal open mic nights, and murder mystery dinners. If you’d like to get creative, this could be a great program to consider!
Do you want to attend our college preparatory school?
Contact Randolph-Macon Academy today!