Strong Performance for Middle School Cross Country Teams

On September 17th, the Middle School Cross Country team hosted five area schools to run the new course for the 2019 season.  While the new course has eliminated the famed “Green Monster”, it did offer runners plenty of hills and “Green Monster, Jr.” to traverse.  After a quick walk-thru to ensure that all runners knew the way, the runners did their last-minute preparations.  Having one race under their belt already, the R-MA runners toed the line with confidence and excitement.  At the call to start, R-MA quickly took their places in the pack of other runners, pacing themselves as they entered the woods.  As the runners emerged from the wooded area, Ben M. successfully secured, and maintained for the remainder of the race, his 10th seed position.  As the students continued through the remainder of the course, Kamila Y. secured the 7th place for the girls, and Billy L. sprinted into the finish line shoot, inching his way into the 16th seed.
Overall, the R-MA Middle School boys took 5th in the event, and the R-MA Middle School girls took 3rd.  Job well done to all the runners!  The team will continue to train and prepare to travel to West Virginia next week.