Tonight's match was a testament to what determination can accomplish. Fresta's Middle School Volleyball showed that they were ready for our little Yellow Jackets by putting the pressure on through out two sets of PURE VOLLEY BATTLE. For game sets 1 and 2, Fresta was leading most of the match by a few points, until the end.
These Lady Jackets were not having it! In set one, the group rallied around each other and took the win. The second set looked about the same, except the Jackets were trailing by at least a few points.
All the players contributed to the win! However, one substitute (Lucy H.), who came off the bench, delivered some great serves. These volleyball serves had speed and power for the first term player. The opposition either could NOT control the pass or they did not reach it!
Fresta's team coach attempted to call a time out to disrupt Lucy's service aces, but it didn't work. During the time out, Coach Camarillo pointed to the score board (23- 23) and told his players, winning or losing is NOT the life lesson at this moment. To play without fear and give their best at this moment is important, regardless of the outcome.
The team captains Audrey, Cassy, Jorina, and Takaya took the remaining team players back on the court and Lucy resumed her serving streak. Her last serves kept Festa's team off balance and brought our team to a decisive victory 25-23!