R-MA Set to Celebrate 125th Anniversary

Randolph-Macon Academy celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2017.

Randolph-Macon Academy will celebrate its 125th Anniversary in 2017 with events ranging from the most formal of gatherings to a come-one-come-all free community party.

Founded as a college prep school in 1892, R-MA added a military component in 1917; that means that not only is the school celebrating its 125th founding, but it is also celebrating a century of adhering to military values such as integrity, duty, honor, and self-discipline.

The 125th Anniversary will permeate all that happens during the year, such as Young Alumni Day on January 4 (register online) when R-MA graduates currently in college or in the working world return “home” to campus, the wrestling tournament to be held at the Academy on January 7, 2017, and the 125th graduation ceremony scheduled for May 27, 2017. However, there are also events being planned specifically to honor the Academy’s history and heritage, as well as its place in the local community.

The first major event will be the 125th Anniversary Gala held on Saturday, April 8, 2017 at Westwood Country Club in Vienna, VA. The location was chosen upon the recommendation by R-MA Board of Trustee and Gala Chairwoman Donna Bogart, with the idea that it would be more accessible for alumni from the Northern Virginia, Baltimore, and Richmond areas.

Highlighting the events of the gala will be a presentation by wounded warrior, war hero, and quadruple amputee Staff Sergeant Travis Mills, USA, Retired. Mills’ story is featured in the book Tough As They Come and his book has just been contracted to become a major motion picture. Learn more about Mills’ incredible story on his website

The gala committee is currently seeking partners to sponsor the gala. Any proceeds above the cost of the event will go into the Academy’s endowment, which is used to provide scholarships for students to attend R-MA. For more information, contact Kittie Abell, Vice President of Development and Alumni Programs or 540-636-5206.

At the end of April, the entire R-MA community will gather for a free community event, open to the public, to celebrate the 125th Anniversary. This campus-wide event, Founder’s Weekend, will take place April 28-30, 2017. It will kick off on Friday, April 28th, with a special demonstration by the R-MA drill team, followed by a plethora of R-MA home sports events, including varsity girls’ soccer, varsity baseball, varsity lacrosse, and varsity tennis. At 7:30 pm, the R-MA band, chorus, and handbells will present their spring concert. All events are free and open to the public.

On Saturday, the 29th, the day will begin with a 5K Run, open to the public, and an alumni lacrosse tournament. A free community celebration will be held from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. This celebration, while still in the planning stages, is set to include rides, games, special presentations, and music. Already scheduled are a hot air balloon, Amazing Grace the Mule, a corn hole tournament, Turbo the Flying Dog, hay rides, face painting, and community vendors. In addition, media partners WINC 92.5 and WZRV The River 95.3 will be conducting remotes from the event. There will be also lessons on how to march, bounce rides, and free cake and ice cream! Watch for more information.The River 95.3 is one of the media sponsors for Randolph-Macon Academy's 125th Anniversary.

The weekend will wrap up with a chapel service on Sunday, April 30th, followed by refreshments for all attendees.

Because this is a free event, open to the general public, R-MA is seeking sponsors to help offset the cost of the event. Those interested may contact Christine Meyer, Director of Development and Alumni Programs at 540-636-5485. Community businesses interested in hosting a booth at the Community Celebration event may contact Celeste Brooks, Director of Public Relations at 540-636-5482.

Information about sponsorship opportunities for both of these April 2017 events can also be found online.

The celebration won’t end in April; R-MA’s 125th Anniversary will be celebrated during graduation, a community service weekend, and of course at Homecoming October 6-8, 2017.  For information, contact R-MA at 540-636-5482.
