R-MA Receives Grant From Warren County Sheriff’s Office

On February 1, 2017, Warren County Sheriff, Daniel McEathron presented Randolph-Macon Academy’s President, Brig. Gen. David Wesley, USAF Retired with a check in the amount of $127,960.  It was awarded to the Sheriff’s Office through a Community Oriented Policing Secure Our Schools Grant.  

This brings to completion a seven year collaborated project between the Sheriff’s Office and Randolph -Macon Academy to provide the Academy’s campus with a much needed video security system.

L-R:  R-MA’s  Director of Support Services, Don Williams; Vice Pres. of Development and Alumni Programs,
Kittie Abell; President, Brig. Gen. David Wesley; WCSO’s Sheriff Daniel McEathron; Administrative Assistant to Patrol Division, Donna Brady
