March 17th Message from R-MA President Dave Wesley

R-MA Update to Coronavirus (COVID-19) for March 17th

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope that you have received your student home safely or that they will arrive shortly. I want to take a
moment to thank you all, not only for your trust in us, but for your patient, positive response in support of
our transition to on-line learning.

We know that there are many questions, concerns, and uncertainties while we, as a global society,
navigate these uncharted waters. Please know that our first and foremost goal is to keep the R-MA
Community as safe and healthy as possible.

Full-time classes will begin tomorrow, Wednesday, 18 March at 8:55am, Eastern Daylight Time, with 1 st
period and we will follow a “Monday” class schedule. Details for class times are posted in the OnSystem.
In times like these, the true nature of our character is revealed. It is humbling to see the energy with
which our faculty has taken on the challenge of teaching in a virtual world. Our decision, several years
ago, to invest in a 1:1 technology plan is certainly paying off during this temporary move to a virtual

Our housekeeping staff continues to work diligently and will begin utilizing a Clorox 360 Ionizing
Sanitation machine in all classrooms, dorm rooms, and offices, to ensure that our campus remains free of
COVID-19 and ready to welcome our students back in the best way possible.

Our grounds crew is continuing its efforts to maintain and improve the landscape and our facilities
maintenance crew is sanitizing our vehicles and making repairs, as needed around campus.

The key to succeeding in the days and weeks ahead will be communication. If your child experiences
technical difficulties or needs to speak with a teacher or mentor on a given topic, please ensure we know
the issue, so we can be timely and effective in responding. We will all have to demonstrate patience while
we work out the challenges sure to present themselves in this new environment, and we look forward to
welcoming our students back to campus as soon as conditions permit.

Warm regards and GO JACKETS!

