How Your Child Can Prepare to Ace any College Interview

With any interview, first impressions are key. This is especially the case when the interview concerns your child’s pursuit of higher education. If your child is preparing to leave their days in high school behind them and begin life in college, the institution they’re applying to may ask them to have an interview with school representatives. Even if it’s not ultimately the difference between acceptance and non-acceptance at the school, an interview is an excellent opportunity for your child to show why they deserve to be studying there.

As daunting as these interviews may seem, there are ways your child can prepare themselves in order to ace their interview and get into the post-secondary institution of their dreams. Here are some tips for how your child can put their best foot forward during the college interview process!

The First Thing to Remember: Practice Makes Perfect

Just like with any skill your child wants to learn, preparing for a college interview involves practicing thoroughly beforehand. One way to do this is for your child to research questions that are typically asked in college interviews and prepare their answers to them. You and your child could have a mock interview so that they can go into their actual interview feeling more confident and assured. For example, the interviewer may ask your child specific questions about why they’re interested in the college, and what they already know about it. When doing the mock interview, ask these questions to your child so you know they’ve researched the school and can express the many reasons why they want to attend.

Researching the school they’re interviewing for can help your child’s preparation

Be Sure Your Child Mentions Their Prep School Accomplishments

Any student at our private academy can use their time at R-MA to prepare themselves excellently for life after our school—in fact, this is something we pride ourselves on. 100% of R-MA’s graduating students are accepted into college annually, including reputable institutions in the United States (eg. Harvard, Duke, MIT, Georgetown) and internationally.

Part of the reason for this success is our incredible faculty and stellar curriculum. Students at R-MA also participate in school initiatives such as our Air Force JROTC program, community service, and Pre-Professional Pathways, each of which can enhance our students’ educational experience and help them stand out in the eyes of admissions representatives. Students can also use the school’s college counseling services to further prepare them for post-secondary life. The opportunity to study at a school like R-MA is a unique one, so your child should remember to emphasize how their time here got them to where they are today.

Your child can discuss all their academic and extra-curricular achievements

Lastly, Remind Them to Be Themselves!

Perhaps the most important lesson your child can remember as they prepare for life after our prep school is simply to be themselves. At R-MA, we strive to make sure that each of our students feels empowered and able to follow their passions and tap into what sets them apart.

During their college interview, they should think about all the ways they stand out both as an individual and as a student. While there are some standard ways in which your child must prepare themselves for a good first impression, such as dressing appropriately and professionally for the interview, the best policy is for them to confidently be themselves. After all, the college will want to know all about your child, their achievements and interests, and why their individual qualities make them an ideal fit!

Do you want to enroll your child in our boarding high school?

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