The Role of Heritage in the R-MA Character & Leadership Development Program

At Randolph-Macon Academy, our students benefit from a diligent military education steeped in tradition and adherence to a moral code. As a college prep school, we strive to prepare students for success in a modern world.

That said, we incorporate heritage in our curriculum and student life experience as we believe in the benefits of specific traditional values. Keep reading to discover what heritage means to us at R-MA, how it benefits students in various tangible ways, and how our Character & Leadership Development Program promotes heritage in a way that prepares students for success along their academic journeys, careers, and personal lives. 

What Is Heritage? 

According to UNESCO, heritage is defined as “our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are irreplaceable life and inspiration sources.” Though there is an undeniable value in embracing innovation and change, we must remember all the wisdom from the past has to offer us.

A pair of leadership development program students filling holiday gift bags for an event.
The Character & Leadership Development Program produces morally upright citizens and leaders.

We draw inspiration from tradition as we strive to produce graduates who represent grit, excellence, and morality. As a military school, we respect the customs of those who have served their communities for centuries before us, and we strive to instill this respect in our students. To create well-rounded graduates who go on to serve the public in a variety of ways, we promote heritage to keep them grounded in values that continue to benefit the world.  

How Heritage Enriches Learning at Our Military School

At R-MA, heritage plays a vital role in teaching our students. For example, we have a long-standing tradition around community involvement. On average, R-MA students complete an impressive 12,000 hours of community service each year. We have built a reputation for serving those in need, which brings us great pride. Leadership is also a crucial part of instruction at R-MA. The new Character & Leadership Development Program is built around our tradition of teaching the skills necessary for meaningful leadership through mentorship programs, student government activities, various clubs, and sports teams. 

Heritage at R-MA enriches student learning by endowing them with values, habits, and mindsets that prepare them to thrive in the life path of their choice. This is why we boast a 100% college acceptance rate, and many of our students earn prestigious scholarships.

A leadership development program student studying at a desk in uniform.
The Character & Leadership Development Program instills traditional values that aid student success.

How the Character & Leadership Development Program Promotes Heritage

The Character & Leadership Development Program at R-MA focuses on traditional facets of military education, including self-discipline, holistic health and fitness, emotional resilience, the Code of Conduct and citizenship drill and etiquette, teamwork, applied and adaptive leadership, and ethical decision-making. By developing grit in students and various other foundations of excellence, we maintain our reputation for success and produce graduates who excel in many different areas of life. Four times a week, students will receive dedicated CLDP training in four areas: 

  • Code of Conduct, Military Courtesy, and Drill 
  • Physical Fitness 
  • GPS for Success
  • Principles of Leadership 

Are you ready to learn more about the Character & Leadership Development Program

Contact Randolph-Macon Academy to learn more!
