Four Reasons We Love Our Private Middle School

We met with some day parents back in April, and I wanted to share with you the reasons THEY gave for being happy with their decision to send their son or daughter to R-MA Middle School:

  • It pulled him out of idea that mediocrity was okay
    R-MA rewards success and makes a big deal of doing well academically, athletically, and behaviorally. Students are in the majority if they’re making good grades, instead of being in a minority that is mocked.
  • R-MA helps kids develop self-esteem.
    There are activities that any kid can be a part of, which means that everyone can find something they’re good at and excel. The kids are treated with respect and are supportive of each other. The teachers pay attention to every student, so no one falls through the cracks.


  • The mentoring program at R-MA is strong.
    Faculty and staff members are involved in the program, which brings the group numbers to a manageable size. One parent commented that his son’s mentoring group had 5 to 7 students, and that it was “very hands-on.” The mentors get to know their students very well and often become a second parent to them.
  • The faculty and staff truly care about the students. 
    So much so that they stay connected not just through eighth grade, but throughout school years and even after graduation.

The story that brought tears to my eyes during this meeting was when a couple told us that their son just looked happier when they picked him up from R-MA at the end of the first day. Apparently at his old school he had been the subject of some teasing and bullying. “The best we could hope for at the end of the day was, ‘Well, my day didn’t suck too badly,’” his dad explained.

If that sounds like your child’s day, you might want to check out some other alternatives–and I certainly hope R-MA Middle School is one of the ones you look at. But even more, I hope your story has the same good ending: that your child finds his niche, makes friends, and enjoys school.

