Five Reasons to Complete Your Application

When applying to schools, it is always a smart idea to not procrastinate during the application processes. Here are some reasons why it is important to complete your application as soon as you are able. 

  • Application Deadlines: Many schools have application deadlines that applicants must adhere to. Some schools offer rolling admission after their priority deadlines have passed.  Here at R-MA, we operate on rolling admissions and continue to accept applications until our seats are filled.
  • Limited Space: Schools typically do not have unlimited spaces in their grade levels. If you wait too long to complete your application, you run the risk of the grade level being filled. 
  • Schools Close: It is extremely difficult for families to gather the necessary documents that most schools require for the application during the summer months. We require two teacher recommendations and school records for our applicants.  It is very important for prospective students to communicate with teachers and school guidance counselors which documents are needed and when they need to be turned in. 
  • Financial Aid: Many schools only allot a certain amount of financial aid for families each year. If you wait till the last minute to get accepted and apply for financial aid, you run the risk of not being granted an award because the school has given out their allotted funds. 
  • Class Schedules: At Randolph-Macon Academy, our academic office creates students’ academic schedules as they are accepted. If prospective families wait too long to get accepted, their child may not be able to get in to all of the classes they would like to take. AP and honors courses fill up especially quickly. 

No matter what school you are applying to, it is so important to complete the application process as soon as possible.  

