A Final Farewell
By: Jonathan Pederson
I remember when we first met; I was so nervous. I could feel your looming judgmental eyes tracing every word I wrote. I hated it and I hated you for it. But, I guess that’s what first impressions are for. Then we met again and I wrote my second blog. I simply ignored you and wrote what I wanted to you to hear. Finally, the third time we met I wrote R-MA: Military College-Prep School. Things started to change; we started to get along. I was comfortable with you and you stopped stressing me out. I told you about an alumnus I met, Kiley Williams. Writing about Kiley was the first time I was overexcited to tell you about something. I started it in the summer, but waited until it was just right before letting you see it. From that point on, we had a beautiful friendship.
I told you guys a little about our structure and a few study tips I learned from our teachers. However, I really had fun making you want to eat some cake. When I thought of comparing the process of finding a private school to baking a cake, I knew you guys would love it. I felt so encouraged to write more creatively, almost setting a challenge to do something better than cake. I am glad you guys pushed me to follow this challenge; it led me to my favorite blog I ever wrote. I felt an interview style blog would be fun and creative. I wrote Summer Fun: Come Join the Picnic We Call Summer School. I still read it over and over again, and I still love it. As I look back at all the blogs I wrote you, I smile and think of what a good time I’ve had writing them.
Unfortunately, it is time I move on. Though I’m nostalgic as I leave, I am excited for what life awaits me. I will be moving onto a different school; I will study Communications Law Economics Government (CLEG) in American University. I hope I will one day once again write to you. Until then, we must bid each other adeu. It saddens me to have to say goodbye to you. Boy did we have a good time; it went by too quickly. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have. After all you’ve encouraged me to do, I can only say two more words. To my readers, thank you!