
A Final Farewell

By: Jonathan Pederson

   Jonathon Pederson Hello fellow blog readers! It’s your blogger Jonathan Pederson. My final year here at R-MA is coming to a close and I will soon bid this school a final farewell.  Usually, I write you something creative or informative explaining how awesome this school is.  Today, I wanted to do something different.  I wanted to write how awesome you are.  Because you are the reason I write these blogs.  Without our readers, there would be no need to write.  So, I wanted to say thank you.  You have let me have more fun than you can think of, writing about my favorite high school.  You have given me two years to develop my writing style and introduce new ideas into these blogs.

    I remember when we first met; I was so nervous.  I could feel your looming judgmental eyes tracing every word I wrote.  I hated it and I hated you for it.  But, I guess that’s what first impressions are for.  Then we met again and I wrote my second blog.  I simply ignored you and wrote what I wanted to you to hear.  Finally, the third time we met I wrote R-MA: Military College-Prep School.  Things started to change; we started to get along.  I was comfortable with you and you stopped stressing me out.  I told you about an alumnus I met, Kiley Williams.  Writing about Kiley was the first time I was overexcited to tell you about something.  I started it in the summer, but waited until it was just right before letting you see it.  From that point on, we had a beautiful friendship.

    I told you guys a little about our structure and a few study tips I learned from our teachers.  However, I really had fun making you want to eat some cake.  When I thought of comparing the process of finding a private school to baking a cake, I knew you guys would love it.  I felt so encouraged to write more creatively, almost setting a challenge to do something better than cake.  I am glad you guys pushed me to follow this challenge; it led me to my favorite blog I ever wrote.  I felt an interview style blog would be fun and creative.  I wrote Summer Fun: Come Join the Picnic We Call Summer School.  I still read it over and over again, and I still love it.  As I look back at all the blogs I wrote you, I smile and think of what a good time I’ve had writing them.

    Unfortunately, it is time I move on.  Though I’m nostalgic as I leave, I am excited for what life awaits me.  I will be moving onto a different school; I will study Communications Law Economics Government (CLEG) in American University.  I hope I will one day once again write to you.  Until then, we must bid each other adeu.  It saddens me to have to say goodbye to you.  Boy did we have a good time; it went by too quickly.  I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have.  After all you’ve encouraged me to do, I can only say two more words.  To my readers, thank you!
