Exam Study Tips

It is that time of year when students are busy getting ready to take their midterms.  Students at Randolph-Macon Academy will sit down next week to take their midterms before heading off campus for a midwinter break.  While preparing for exams can be stressful, it is important to stay calm. Below are some tips on how to prepare for the dreaded exam week.

  • Start Early: It is important to start studying early. The best way to do this is by review material all semester. You do not have time to relearn a whole semester’s worth of material during the final few weeks.
  • Ask Questions:  Asking questions beforehand can eliminate the unknown. Ask your teacher questions like: "What will be the format of the test?" and "How long will I have to complete it?" These answers will help you prepare for the exam.
  • Key Information: Knowing what to study is extremely important. Do not waste time your valuable study time reviewing information that will not be on the test.  Old exams and homework assignments are a useful tool for study materials. Chances are if you were tested on the material in the past, it will be part of the midterm.
  • ·Review Notes: The key to studying your notes is taking good notes. Note-taking is a valuable skill that will be necessary in college. Establish good note-taking skills early on.
  • Group Study: Studying with classmates may be beneficial after you have a solid foundation of the material.  Studying with a group allows for a mutually favorable review session.  Quizzing classmates provides all parties exposure to the information.
  • Take Care of Yourself: Chances are you have heard this before.  It is very important to take care of yourself during exam time. Getting enough sleep, eating right, and exercising are just as important as studying. These three things keep your mind clear and will aid you in passing that test.