Enriching Ideas for Summer

Summer school doesn’t have to be about making up classes such as English, math, science, history, and Spanish. (Although Randolph-Macon Academy does offer all that, plus French!) It can also be a time to take courses in subjects in which you have a strong interest or maybe an unanswered curiosity.

Randolph-Macon Academy is offering nine—well, sort of ten—such classes this summer. (I’ll explain the tenth in a bit.) Let’s take a quick look:

  1. “So you wanna be in pictures…” Filmmaking is for you! Learn all the basic principles with Dan Marcus, whose film students just won a prestigious award!
  2. You’re an aspiring novelist. Lynne Schoonover is teaching a Creative Writing Workshop again this year! She has a passion and enthusiasm for writing that is contagious. (Don’t believe me? Check out her playlist on YouTube.)
  3. You’re heading off to college and need to improve your writing. You’re in luck—Ms. Schoonover is also teaching a College Writing Course! Whether you are headed there this fall or you have one more year of high school left, this course will help you improve your writing!
  4. You love building things. Design Concepts for Engineering. Designing, planning, construction. What else can I say? 

    Personal finance in summer school usually includes a field trip to a local car dealership.

  5. You’re having trouble keeping track of that paycheck, have no idea how to apply for a loan, and want to buy a car. Personal Finance covers all that and much more…with lots of guest speakers and cool field trips. 
  6. You want to do well on the SAT this year. Well then, SAT Prep is kind of a logical choice…just sayin'.
  7. You love (or hate) to speak in front of people. Public speaking is the #1 fear behind death, right? So whether you are terrified of it or secretly love it, our Public Speaking course will give you experience and help you improve both your speaking talent and your confidence.
  8. The computer is your friend…sort of. Computer Literacy covers many of those things that people of my generation assume people of your generation know instinctively—desktop publishing, web page design, spreadsheets, databases, slide shows and word processing. Learn tips and tricks so you really are as smart about computers as your parents think you are.
  9. You really want to improve your grades, and preferably not do summer school ever again. You might consider Study Skills, where you can learn skills to help you do better in school next year!

    Comparative religions students can look forward to field trips to churches, synagogues, and mosques.

  10. You are curious about world religions. This is that course I was referring to when I said “sort of ten.” Comparative Religions is in its own category because for R-MA, you need a full credit of religion to graduate, so this is an all-day, full-credit course, unlike the classes above that are all half-day, half-credit courses. But if you’ve ever been curious about the differences between Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and other major religions, then this is a great course to take. There are a lot of field trips and exploration to this course!

So there you go. Ten ways you can enrich your summer through summer school classes! Of course, if you do need to repeat a core course or you want to take something like Chemistry for a full high school credit this summer, we can do that too. Give us a call at 540-636-5484, email us, or visit our summer school pages for more information!

