Senior Luncheon
Five students spoke at the Senior Luncheon on May 29th, sharing memories and words of appreciation for their teachers, CLSs, and other school staff members. In addition to this verbal recognition, 11 faculty and staff members received plaques of appreciation:
- Mr. Eric Barr
- Mr. Clay Clinedinst
- Mrs. Kim Cramer
- CMSgt Mary Gamache
- Lt Col R.G. McManus
- Ms Susan Ochoa
- Mr. Brandon Sloan
- Mr. James Taafel
- Sgt Sean Keating
- Dean Jonathan Ezell
- Mr. Brian Barbour
The luncheon also included other highlights. Byron Gayle ’50 received a copy of his R-MA diploma, which he had lost, and special recognition was given to the Dodson family. Between Carol Dodson’s service on the R-MA Board of Trustees and all three Dodson children attending Randolph-Macon Academy, the Dodson family has been a part of the R-MA community since the early 1990’s. The family was recognized for “graduating” this year during the Senior Luncheon.