For each academic quarter, Randolph-Macon Academy recognizes its faculty and staff with awards for their performance. There are four separate categories for these awards including: Team, Employee, Mentor and Faculty. The following were recognized for their outstanding performance and effort for the First Quarter of the 2015-16 school year:
• Team: The Upper School Male Cadet Life Supervisors; Sean Keating, Clay Clinedinst, Jim Payne, Chet Inhar and Jacob Walker
• Employee: Jacob Walker, Cadet Life Supervisor (upper school males)
• Mentor: Stephen Pederson, Aerospace Instructor
• Faculty: Tony Ballard, Middle School History and English Teacher
For the second quarter, the following employees were recognized:
• Team: The Finance Office; Monica Kaufman, Brittany Zivic and Kathy Harper
• Employee: Kathy Harper, Director of Finance
• Mentor: Kim Cramer, Upper School English and Drama Teacher
• Faculty: Chris Peter, Middle School Teacher
The awards were announced at a gathering on Tuesday, May 10, 2016. Also announced was the Coach of the Fall Award, which was given to Varsity Football Head Coach Frank Sullivan. Congratulations to all award winners on a job well done.