College Readiness Tips to Remember As R-MA Commencement Approaches

For many students in the closing stages of their high-school life, college anxiety is that uneasy feeling that kicks in as commencement day draws closer. It is when students start finalizing plans to transition to college or university. It is only fitting that students get all the help they need to pave the way for a seamless transition.

At Randolph Macon Academy, extra gear is put in place to help our students navigate their way to college. And with our 2022 set boasting a 100% college acceptance rate (20 were admitted into a special force school) and over $16.6 million in scholarships won, college readiness is a significant area of focus for us. In this blog, we discuss some helpful tips to help our students become college-ready and confidently turn the page to their next chapters.

Take College Guidance and Counseling Seriously

The right type of guidance and counseling can make a big difference in the life of any college-aspiring student. This is why R-MA has prepared a rigorous college counseling program that can help fast-track the college journey. This program is designed to help students develop a fitting academic, social, and financial plan for their post-secondary education aspirations.

Students begin receiving one-on-one planning for their college years in the ninth grade. This is done to assist them in choosing the ideal college for them based on their academic standing, career objectives, and interests. Additionally, students will have access to our College Counseling Guidebook, which details the students’ responsibilities during each stage of the application process, how the college counselor will support them, and what parents should and shouldn’t do in terms of their involvement. It is left to the student to use the opportunity provided by our counseling team to fully equip themselves for the task ahead.

Participate in University Fairs at R-MA

University Fairs at our private boarding school present an opportunity to get familiar with the requirements of university admission and the prospects of campus life, all while creating valuable connections. Luckily for students of R-MA, the school organizes its University Fairs annually so students can take an early look into the prospectus of some top universities.

During these fairs, students will meet with representatives from select universities and discuss various topics related to admission, academic programs, general school life, etc. These occasions have helped students understand their dream universities’ academic, social, and extra-curricular realities. Armed with this knowledge, R-MA students find it far easier to transition into college life.

A female R-MA student interacting with a university representative at a university fair
College fairs at R-MA help students get familiar with the prospects of campus life

Partake in Extracurricular Activities

Taking part in extracurricular activities while at school can place students in a good light on their applications. Students are encouraged to register in school clubs, undertake extracurricular group projects, and commit to community service in a small way.

R-MA students at a sporting occasion
At our private high school, we encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities

This fosters a sense of community and sociability that’ll serve students well in future academic and non-academic endeavors. At R-MA, students can choose from an impressive list of clubs and societies where they can build essential friendships and often make valuable connections. Depending on their skills and preferences, students may join the drama club, the drill team, multiple honor societies and clubs, the praise team, and the Tri-M Music Honor Society. Membership in these clubs and societies helps students broaden their horizons and make important contributions to their community.

Prepare Adequately for Exams at Our Private School

Students’ test and exam scores have the most important say in whether their college application will succeed. So, we encourage and support our students to intensify their preparations and study properly for a good exam showing. To further solidify their prospects, our students can take honors courses and advanced placement (AP) courses—with the latter ending in an AP Exam.

R-MA students should try out the 15 honors and AP courses lined up for them in core subjects like math, English, science, and history. Success in the exams at the end of coursework will earn students college credits and add extra detail to their college applications.

To ensure the success of our students, we have taught a pervasive Going-to-College atmosphere on campus, and our students are encouraged to work in partnership with our staff toward actualizing their college dreams. We also offer a Learning Support Program where students struggling with any aspect of our rigorous curriculum can receive personalized help.

Acquire University Dual Credits

University dual credits offer college-aspiring students the opportunity to earn credits relevant to their prospective discipline from the universities that accept them. R-MA offers 10 dual-credit courses in partnership with James Madison University, Shenandoah University, and Lord Fairfax Community College.

R-MA’s classes for college credit are made to be rigorous with in-depth subject matter. While developing their critical thinking abilities and academic curiosity to gain a deeper understanding of the world, students also develop a strong foundation in the subject. These courses, taught by qualified college instructors, prepare them for the rigors of college-type academic life. And graduates of the courses proceed to college after racking up enough credits to satisfy first-year university studentship requirements.

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