Band and Parade Unit to March in WV Strawberry Parade

The performance season of the Randolph-Macon Academy Band and Parade Unit is drawing to a close. Following their successful performances in Florida at Universal Studios, New York City at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, and Winchester at the Apple Blossom Festival, the band and parade unit will next head off to Buckhannon, WV, this Saturday, May 20th, to perform in the 76th West Virginia Strawberry Festival Grand Feature Parade. 

"This will be our fourth year marching in this parade," said R-MA Bandmaster Ed Richards. The very first year the group marched, he noticed there was an overwhelmingly positive response to the band, and attendees showed courtesies which are often overlooked these days—as the flag went by, men removed their hats, people rose to their feet, and all members of the audience placed their hands over their hearts. The parade, noted Richards, is certainly “viewed by some of the most enthusiastic and patriotic parade goers of any parade in which we march.”

After the Strawberry Parade, the cadets will enjoy some free time in Buckhannon to visit the carnival and craft show. “The actual trip across West Virginia takes us through some of the most beautiful mountain terrain anywhere in the eastern United States,” said Richards. Of course, the students might miss it if they are sleeping on their way through. The group will leave at 6:00 am and if the trip goes smoothly, they will return at 10:00 pm. The parade itself is scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm, and can be viewed through a live feed on
