Alumni Classes Battle To Be #1 In Annual Fund

We achieved our highest ever participation in Annual Fund giving this year with an overall participation of 9.9%.  This represents a 20% increase over last year! 

There were a few classes that led the charge in energizing their classmates to take the top slot.  The top 5 classes and giving percentages were:  

1. Class of 1988: 40.6%
2. Class of 1970: 38.9%
3. Class of 1966: 24.0%
4. Class of 1968: 23.2%
5. Class of 1996: 22.5%
The classes of 1988 and 1970 were particularly energized and engaged in a lot of good-natured back and forth in trying to take the top slot.  In fact, it was like a really close football game.  The lead changed over 6 different times as we led up to the June 30th deadline.  First ’70 had it, then ’88 and back and forth until the final bell rang and they finished with less than a 2% difference. 

To say that ’70 and ’88 were competitive would be an understatement. 

There was a great deal of back and forth between the classes and a lot of good-natured ribbing as to what fate should befall the class that came in second place.  In the end though, both classes were pleased at the outpouring of support and proud of all classes that participated in this very successful campaign.
"We first want to offer our greatest congratulations to Class '88 for accepting the Annual Fund challenge and making such a dramatic contribution–greatest in their class history,” noted John Stufflebeem ‘70. “We also have to acknowledge the hard work put in by the school staff to achieve a new record for alumni giving. The competition was not only fun, it was rewarding in knowing the real winners are the Cadets and school staff as well as the Alumni willing to give back.”

The Class of 1970 joins the Class of 1988 in issuing the challenge to every class to join annually in fighting for the bragging rights of being the #1 graduated class. 

“Class '88, you earned it this year,” Stufflebeem added, “but watch out for next year. Go Jackets!"

Eric Anderson ’88 credited Stufflebeem for his efforts in marshalling his class for formation (i.e., participation in giving) for the second year in a row.  It started last year when the class reached a 40.4% participation level for their 45th reunion.

Classes used phone calls, emails, texting and social media to rally friends and classmates to give Randolph-Macon Academy. The Class of 1996 made a great effort to top the 20% participation mark in honor of their 20th class reunion.

From the Class of 1988, there were a cast of characters involved, but one of the most vocal and creative in pushing for participation was Steve Churchill ‘88.  

Here are Steve’s thoughts on the competition, “Despite what we were told by the Classes of 1969 and 1971, the Class of 1970 proved a most worthy opponent.  I am reminded of some of the great battles in history – Rome vs Carthage, Waterloo, Yankees vs Red Sox, Duke vs Carolina – and this one certainly makes that list.  Thanks to all the classes and alumni who helped make 2016 a memorable year for R-MA fundraising.  I know I had a lot of fun encouraging my classmates to help the cause, and in the end, R-MA was the big winner.  Well, right after the Class of 1988 that is.  Good luck next year, Class of 1970, and all the other classes.  The bar has been set very, very high.  Just make sure you stretch before attempting to best us.”

The table has been set for another excellent competition in the 2016-2017 school year.  Check out how your class did over the last two years and where they are for the 2017 drive, which started July 1!

Congratulations to the top five classes ’96, ’68, ’66, ’70 and, of course, our grand prize winner 1988. 

“We are so thankful to all alumni for making this drive a success,” Anderson added. “Now, one final thought, did anyone in the class of ’86, ’87 or ’89 think ’88 could pull this off?  We challenge you to try to beat us next year!”
