A Boarding School Advantage for a Day Student

R-MA is a school where both boarding students and day students attend. For years I have worked here, and frequently spoke to day student parents about the advantages of having a school that is open 24/7—not only does R-MA continue with class even when there is snow on the ground, but there are adults on campus all day every day. If you as a parent are running late, your day student can just continue to hang out on campus with the boarding students. They have a good meal and are taken care of until you can arrive.

Never was I more thankful for this than yesterday.

It was the first day of summer camp for my daughter, who is at R-MA’s summer camp again this year. What was supposed to be a routine doctor appointment with a family member turned into a trip to the emergency room. Through texts back and forth with the Middle School dorm staff, I arranged for my daughter to stay on campus through dinner at the last minute.

As we were zooming through town to pick up clothing for the family member, I stopped in to talk with my daughter, and she decided to stay with the Middle School campers and go bowling. The dorm staff waved her along and she went and had a great time. We picked her up later, just after the boarding students were sent off to bed.

So, while we were in different city taking care of one part of our family, R-MA was caring for another. I always knew that we at R-MA did that. But to be on the receiving end, where that worry was taken care of, has made me once again grateful that not only do I work in this wonderful place, but my child has the privilege to attend as well.
