4 Summer Camp & Summer School Photos

The weather outside might be miserably rainy, but our summer camp and summer school programs are right around the corner! Here are a few photos from R-MA Summer 2010 I thought I’d share:

Students at R-MA's Middle School Academic Summer Camp wave their hands in the air during the talent show.

The Middle School students enjoyed a talent show during their summer camp. Students played violin and piano, told jokes, sang, and danced–and some of them really did have talent!The students in R-MA's Middle School Summer Academic Camp visited Williamsburg and Busch Gardens in 2010.

Ah, the infamous "Say cheese!" photo taken at the start of every wonderful day spent at an amusement park. Notice they take these as you’re going in, before your hair is a mess and your clothes are soaked through! There are weekend trips to amusement parks in both the summer school and summer camp programs at R-MA.

A student at R-MA summer school looks at an extra-large pencil and wonders how she will take notes with it.

OK, I couldn’t resist this photo. The girl on the right is in the summer school program, and is holding one of those really huge pencils. I think she’s trying to read the writing on it. I’m wondering how many notes she managed to take before her hand cramped up…

And the last one is….

A Clydesdale grazes in the pasture at Busch Gardens, where R-MA summer camp students spent the day.

Um…yeah. I love horses. I saw this photo among those taken last summer, and I just had to put it in. We don’t have a Clydesdale on campus. We don’t have any horses on campus. Our photographer, Cindy Rodney (who took all the photos on this page), took this photo during the summer camp trip to Busch Gardens. I guess there’s no good reason to include it in this blog, but that’s the beauty of a blog. I can put photos in that I would never think of putting in our regular admissions materials!

Speaking of admissions, if you’re interested in learning a bit more about the summer program, visit here.
