4 Myths of Summer Academic Camps

by Celeste Brooks P’12,’21 
Director of Public Relations

If you’re trying to figure out what to do with your child this summer, and the idea of an academic summer camp has you running scared, we’d like to take a few minutes to address some common misconceptions, or myths of summer academic camps. Please note that this is about an academic summer camp, which is what we offer for rising fifth through eighth grade students. It runs in two-week and four-week sessions. Our summer school program is much more academically intense, as we need to ensure we provide the minimum number of hours required to earn high school credit in only four weeks. 

Myth #1: An academic summer camp is no fun.  

What? Of course there’s fun! The word “camp” requires that fun be involved. If there weren’t, it would be “summer torture” or “summer punishment.” If it’s a camp, then it involves activities that you will more than likely find <gasp> fun! Things like swimming, laser tag, basketball, dodge ball, arts & crafts, flag football, talent shows, camp fires…obviously some of them will be more fun than others, depending on your personal preferences, but you will have fun. We insist.

Myth #2: It’s too stressful. 

Not our summer camp. We spend three hours each weekday morning in classes. If there is homework, it’s no more than 45 minutes. If there is a test, that’s intended to help you and the instructor know where you need more help. You don’t get a “real” grade in these classes—it’s more like a satisfactory/unsatisfactory report. These classes are enrichment classes. They’re created to help you enjoy learning a subject. Hate math? Try math in our summer camp. You might actually enjoy it. 

Myth #3: An academic summer camp means you sit in a classroom all day. 

Not us! As we said, you have three hours of class in the morning. Some of those classes will go outside or to the gym or on field trips, while others stay primarily in the classroom. But the afternoons? Those you spend hanging out with friends, swimming, bowling, doing laser tag…depending on the weather, you might be outside doing something as low-key as drawing with sidewalk chalk or inside the air-conditioned gym engaged in an intense competition of dodge ball. You are definitely not sitting around in a classroom all day.

Myth #4: It’s only for people who failed a class.

Actually, that would be summer school, not summer camp. During camp, you’re so busy with the many activities that you can’t possibly be in class enough hours to earn a school credit. A summer academic camp is a great place to delve deeper into a subject you love or help you build skills in a subject in which you struggle somewhat. It brings together an interesting mix of students—those who are driven to learn and those who need to rediscover a love of learning. 



Want to learn more? Check out our summer academic camp!

