At Randolph-Macon Academy (R-MA), our aviation programs offer students the chance to explore their interests and skills in a field of the future. With courses dedicated to Drone Applications, students can try their hand at a growing niche in the world of aviation.
Drones are widely used by companies across the United States and around the world. As the drone industry continues to undergo significant developments, the job opportunities for skilled operators are expanding. Technology literacy and practical training are important qualifications for any graduate entering the modern workforce. By exposing students to experiential learning, technical theory, and real-world projects, our graduates are poised for an innovative path to higher education and employment.
1. Practical Flying Experience
First and foremost, drone courses at our private boarding school offer practical learning opportunities. Through our interactive flight lab, students can try their hand at flying R-MA drones, and gain experience using our on-campus flight simulator. During flight instruction, students receive quality training in basic and advanced flight maneuvers, as well as cross-country navigation techniques. Students gain the experience to prepare themselves for further education in this field and to discover professional pathways in aviation.
To complement their practical experiences, students gain in-depth knowledge of the aerodynamic forces and procedures that govern successful aviation. As students take on the practical craft of flying, they gain the confidence in their abilities to set their sights on new career options.
2. Expand Your Curiosity at Our Private Boarding School
At our coed private school, students are taught to take on new challenges with enthusiasm and resilience. The drone industry is one that offers exciting new opportunities for the modern world. Many students dream of directing flight operations for various companies, while others are drawn to the invention and development of unmanned aircrafts. Whatever the niche, the drone industry offers plenty of opportunities to satisfy a curiosity for modern exploration.
In teaching students to explore the world around them, our flight program is comprised of ground school flying lessons, guest speakers, field trips, internship opportunities, field research using unmanned systems, and a senior capstone project. Through a dynamic program, students find the skills and confidence to expand their sense of adventure.

3. Technological Skills for an Innovative Future
Technological courses, such as drone applications and computer programming, are now an essential part of classroom curriculums. Developing technological literacy is a great way to prepare students for employment in cutting-edge industries. The purpose of our drone program is to train students in the skills, mediums, and technologies needed for success in modern career paths that rely on unmanned aircraft systems. As the drone industry expands, the need for trained professionals in drone technology will increase, whether that be as drone pilots, technicians, designers, or manufacturers. By integrating technology into our educational program, students are prepared to compete in the modern workforce.
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